Miguel Coronado III

Illustrator and Concept Artist




The Cyber Dead, Drawloween, Spiderman

Several images from the weekend and today.  

I've been doing one speed zombie a day for practice, but I'll be switching over to some full character stuff soon.

Cyber Dead 1.0 - Miguel Coronado III Cyber Dead 3.0 - Miguel Coronado III

Also, with the month of October beginning I'll be drawing a monster a day as part of the Drawloween Challenge.

Stabby-Drawloween Banner- Miguel Coronado III


And finally, here is the first in a series of Marvel characters I'll be illustrating for fun.





Studies, sketches, and Vampyres updates.

So at the beginning of the week we decided to pay for some Facebook advertising to boost our page's exposure. The ads have paid off with our "likes" jumping from 130 to 391 in about two days. The ads take images from our page and run them on the sidebar of people's profiles. We targeted the entire United States and specifically anyone who had "liked" vampires, Dracula, TrueBlood, Interview with a Vampire, Lost Boys, and other known vampire franchises. Here are images we've released on our page:

Orphan vampire Promovamp2 storyboardpromo


Besides Vampyres, I have been back to my morning studies and sketches. I'm also planning on going to the Massive Black workshop in December.

9-23-13 9-24-13 9-26-13 Master Study WIP Suits Space Suits

Update on Vampires, and sketches

We launched the official Facebook page for the vampire project. After taking it live, we jumped from 30 "likes" to 130 just before bed. In honor of our first 100 "likes" we released a poster concept early. Along with that concept we also released a progress picture of the vampire prosthetic for our proof of concept. Vampyres poster concept


Prosthetic Progress

The last image we've released is a wardrobe and make-up test Josephine and I did last week to begin building the visual look of Violet, our story's protagonist.

Violet Wardrobe Test Shoot


We'll have more images to release on Friday, our Facebook Page is the best place to catch the images early. Spread the word about our project and the more people we can draw the more media we can release at faster pace.


Thanks for following my work and the work of Josephine and myself, below are some sketches to sketch out.


9-19-13-2psd 9-19-13

Vampires Project

Hello world! I've just added my blog back the the site and wanted to update people on what is happening here in Austin, TX. Josephine (my girlfriend) and I have started development on a vampire short film project. We are releasing images once a week until we finish up work for a proof of concept video.

The first image was released last week on Facebook and my other web profile pages.

Promotion Image for Vampire project

Along with this first image I'm releasing an animated .gif image today and will be continuing to release more images and development news on a weekly basis.

Here is the .gif along with the frames used to make it!


Vampire .gif frames

Thanks for following the project, more to come later!


All images on this site are Copyright © 2015 Miguel Coronado III or their respective copyright holders.

Do not use without permission.