Miguel Coronado III

Illustrator and Concept Artist




Introduction to Digital Painting Session 1

Welcome to my blog! As part of the Introduction to Digital Painting class I'll be linking some resources from each of my sessions in this blog.


Click here to access our class thread for questions and to post work. 

Here is the Crimson Daggers forum for resources and to receive feedback and critique.  

If you missed the class you can watch and listen to the demos here: 

Watch live streaming video from mciii at livestream.com
mciii on livestream.com. Broadcast Live Free
Watch live streaming video from mciii at livestream.com


Here are my Brushes!

If you are in my class and viewing this post, please begin playing in photoshop before Thursday's class, make marks, draw something, and troubleshoot your system before you come to the next class. 


The only things I need you to do before the next class is to get Photoshop up and running and get your Tablet working with pressure sensitivity/ready to go for Thursday. If you do have your system running, begin making marks, playing with brushes and getting a feel for working with your tablet. 


Email me with Questions


New work on it's way, Drawlloween Week 1

The first week of October means the first week of Drawlloween, one monster a day for 31 days. 

Here are the first 7 monsters: 

Besides Drawlloween I'll be working on another sea witch for the Black Tide world and a mascot for a small RPG convention that will be going on in January. 

Website Makeover

I'll be changing my site over to a SquareSpace Site sometime this week, if you are reading these blog entries, thank you for following, I'll try and migrate the older posts to the new site, otherwise the new site will look much sleeker and have a separate section for me to sell T-shirts/Prints/Stickers and whatever else I decide would be fun to make.  



Drawlloween starts on Wednesday! One monster a day for 31 days, here is the calendar of prompts I'll be following. Use #Drawlloween, #Drawloween, or #monstober to show your work and see what everyone else is up to.



Black Tide!

I haven't been too good about posting more frequently! Sorry about that :(  

Here as some new things I've been sketching and working on, as well as a logo test for BlackTide.


More on BlackTide later. The logo is not the final, it's just a first test, these goblins are the same ones featured in on my homepage only with different coloring/rendering.


Blacktidelogo ThedwarfBW goblinbruiser goblinsgroup2 goblinssingle gobbles

Finished a big Freelance gig.

39 illustrations done. 43 if you count the second job I had.

I just got finished with the craziest two months I've had since starting this pursuit of illustration and professional art.

It started with a job creating matte paintings and UI assets for a Sci-fi film. I worked with my friends Carlton Tomlin, Ron Stevens, and Miles Wadsworth. We got to work closely with the project's director Deepak Chetty.

The film job took up all of June with a couple weeks outside of that month. We worked from 9am-5pm on assets and matte paintings for the director.

Here was my full schedule:

6:30am Wake-up and get ready, eat breakfast.

7:00am Be on the road to the University of Texas Campus. (our offices were here)

7:30-8:00am Get free parking near a coffee shop. (Spiderhouse)

7:45-8:45am Get coffee and sketch or enjoy the only time during the day were I won't have to work. Typically meet Carlton at this time. (Cafe Medici or Beware Coffee)  By the way, if you are in Austin, these two Cafes have what I consider the best espresso in the city.

9am-5pm Work on Matte paintings, UI assets, and make sure everyone is on task and meeting deadlines. (I was the Post Supervisor)

5pm-6:30pm Walk to car/drive home/traffic is bad in Austin.

6:30pm-8:00pm Exercise and eat dinner.

8:30pm-1am/2:30am Freelance.


After I finished my big job with Evil Hat Productions (39 illustrations) I had to get another set (4 illustrations) for AEG done.

Everything finally wrapped up on the 30th and now I must plan a new set of images for my portfolio and begin targeting new companies. Here are my sketches and stuff!


Sketches Vamp sketch Dead guy sketch Robo dead guy sketch Study of Bust Dumb sketch

New works and some links to cool people

I've been meaning to do this for some time, I finally have gotten around to going through all the business cards I got in December at the Massive Black LA workshop! Here are the links to these beautiful peoples' sites:

Dan Dussault

Michael Bérubé

Jonathan Mathiasen

Crystal Sully

Lana Purnell 

Timothy Kong

Israel A. Carrion  

Andrew Domachowski

Moe Balinger

Steven Howard

Lance MacCarty

Nicholas Schumaker

Daniella Gomez

Toma Feizo Gas and the folk at Vulcan Design Forge

Anton Kolyukh of Riot Games

John Kayrouz

My workshop roommates:

Sterling Tuttle

Jarrad Lajeunesse -no site available yet! :(

People in Austin, these are just some of the artists I hangout with in Austin:

Cartlon Tomlin

Ron Stevens 1 and 2

Miles Wadsworth

Michelle Dickens

Leah McKay

Matt Oppriecht

Kevin Chin

Here is some art for my brother's band DidyouseethoseBats? !

Didyouseethosebats Poster


New works and studies

Vampyres is still in it's fundraising mode, I just wrapped up some small client jobs, and studies have been going on for a while too. At day 50 of the Daily Study Group I decided it was time to make more work while still being able to work on the studies. So I have an underwater piece I'll be chipping away at every day for an hour or so. I'll post that image when it gets to a more finished state.


Here is a shirt design:



Here is a little portrait for Patchistory:



And here are studies:

2-10-14 2-11-14 2-12-14 2-13-14 2-16-14-marcrosete 2-16-14xiaogabe 2-17-14 2-18-14 2-19-14 2-21-14 12-14-14 12-15-14

Vampires, vampires, vampires.

It has been a busy week and I have been jumping from website stuff, to video and audio editing, to good old drawing. I had a later start for two of the studies this week. I'll be posting up the videos that haven't gone up yet today and tonight I'll be Livestreaming a Q&A session about Vampyres and working on a new image.

My illustration was lack luster, but the site will be ready and I'll be making up for the lack of sketching and painting next week with some client work and new fan art.

Lastly here is a finalized vampire concept that we'll be using in the feature film:

Vampire Concept

Here are some images that will be live on the Vampyres website later tonight:VioletBanner_VampyresFilm BTS_Photo_VampyresFilm1 BTS_Photo_VampyresFilm2 BTS_Photo_VampyresFilm3 BTS_Photo_VampyresFilm4 BTS_Photo_VampyresFilm5 FirstVampireConcept_Vampyresfilm EarlyVampireconcept_Vampyresfilm EarlyCharacterconcept_Vampyresfilm Posterpromo_Vampyresfilm PromoPhoto-VampyresFilm


Here are the studies from the week:2-3-14 2-4-14 2-5-14 2-6-14 2-7-14

Updates and new works! LIVESTREAM Q&A next week!

Tomorrow morning we shoot our pitch video for Vampyres and begin editing for the crowd funding campaign. I have been creating new images to use for the perks that we will be offering. These will include posters, shirts, and other goodies.

Our crowd-funding campaign will start on February 9th. I'll be Livestreaming a Q&A  on February the 7th at 7:30pm Central Standard Time. I will be answering any and all questions people have about the project, filling in everyone about my process, the organization of the campaign, and whatever else may come up that is of interest.

The one thing we will not divulge is the plot of the film itself as that is something we'd want to present in the actual film medium.

Okay time for some art! Here is a poster for Vampyres Film:

Vampyres "Tomb" poster


The Daily Study Group is going strong, I have a new schedule posted for next week and will be on tomorrow morning drawing some still life things.

Here are studies from this week:

1-26-14 1-28-14 1-29-14 1-30-14 1-31-14 day25

Studies Studies….

Well into Day 22 of the Daily Study Group and I had an epic fail live when I accidentally erased my history when trying to copy and save an older version of the study so far. Luckily it was only a study and not a real piece I was working on. I caught myself back up triple time after the I lost the history and then saved out a version of the new and old updates.

Join the Group Every weekday at 9am CST and Midday/Evenings on the Weekends.

You can watch the study fail here:

Watch live streaming video from mciii at livestream.com

Here are the rest of the studies:

 1-24-14 photostudy_wip

More studies and a new image!

Here are a bunch of studies from the Daily Study Group! I'm now studying everyday at 9am CST on my Livestream Channel. I'll be going through composition break downs every morning as well as still life and photo studies.

Also here is a new image to promote the Vampyres Film Project and a link to some viral videos Josephine is making.

Vampyres Film Poster

If you want to check out Josephine's website and IMDb page, click here!

Okay here are the studies!

1-11-14 1-12-14 1-13-14 1-14-14



1-17-14 1-18-14 1-19-14

I also made this image thats on the front page of this site as a Vampyres Promo image:


And finally I made this Lichy Wizard, he's been on the front page but I wanted to give him some blog time:

Lichy Wizard


Hey! Check out this stuff:

My Facebook, add me and chat/ join the study group!



Studies, Walter, and Video Links

I've been trying to update this blog once a week, but my alert that I had previously saved did not work for some reason, I'll be making a new one now. Here's what's been going on since that Daily Study Group started:

1-3-14 1-5-14 1-6-14 1-7-14 copy 1-8-14 1-9-14 1-10-14



Along with the studies I started up "Collin and Friends" a series of original characters that I'll be illustrating on a weekly basis.

Walter the Vicious Shark-thumbnail


Prints, shirts, mugs, and other merchandise featuring the characters will be up on my Society6 store.


If you want to catch up with the Daily Study group, or view any other videos I have online, you can find them here.

All images on this site are Copyright © 2015 Miguel Coronado III or their respective copyright holders.

Do not use without permission.