Miguel Coronado III

Illustrator and Concept Artist




Almost Valentine's Day!

Okay, little late posting, I’m trying to keep the posts to Fridays as a nice summation of the week.

Lots going on, I did a few studies this week, both for legs and poses and some armor studies for my wife’s DnD character.

I also got this goblin done and Lucille, they’ll be posted in my portfolio gallery here on the site. I need to reorganize this site better, it’s kind of trying to be too many things at once.

I started the next character for the Arcanist Tavern This one is named Ashe:

I started recording a video series of sketchbook tours to catalog my old sketchbooks and found some cool old sketches I wanted to paint up and finish. You can find that “Memory Lane” video here. The sketches are now all work in progress.

I also forgot to post this sticker design for my brother’s clown character project:

Along with all that, this one comic I made blew up on TikTok this week. I initially made a Black history month version which is the exact same comic with the words changed. The idea was that we need to celebrate Black History Month now more than ever in the US because of this shit administration that is trying to white wash the country.

But in the UK it’s LGBT history month so I decided to make an alternative version for the UK that focused on that… and whoa, comments blew up! mainly from people not reading my caption that says “in the UK it’s LGBT History Month” But I got a lot of supporters and people in the comments discussing why people should be acknowledging the LGBT History and people arguing that there is too much LGBT focus, and other people that were just like, “whoa I didn't know that and I’m in the UK!” So it turned out well, I voiced my view and it seemed to educate people. Both Black and LGBT groups need to be recognized and supported and I’m glad my little silly comic could start some discussions online. As of this post the comic has 79K views which is the most I’ve ever received.

All images on this site are Copyright © 2015 Miguel Coronado III or their respective copyright holders.

Do not use without permission.